USEPA, along with its partner agencies on the Lower Passaic River Restoration Project, is currently applying a modeling framework consisting of
hydrodynamic, wind-wave, sediment transport, organic carbon, contaminant fate and transport, and bioaccumulation model components for the Newark
Bay Study Area RI/FS. The existing Harbor-wide model was originally developed by the NY/NJ Harbor Estuary Program for use in its Contaminant
Assessment and Reduction Project (CARP). The current model framework includes enhancements introduced as part of the application and
calibration performed by the Cooperating Parties Group, as part of the Lower Passaic River (LPR) Remedial Investigation, as well as a
bioaccumulation model developed and calibrated by EPA’s contractor team. The model is being used by USEPA to predict how contaminants
are moving within the Lower Passaic River and Newark Bay and how they impact fish tissue contaminant concentrations, both under current
baseline conditions and in response to potential remedial alternatives.
Final Newark Bay Study Area Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study Model Documentation [November 2021]: This report provides an
abbreviated description of elements of the hydrodynamic, sediment transport, organic carbon, and contaminant fate and transport model
components; identifies sections of existing reports with more detailed descriptions of the evolution of the model framework; and
summarizes development of model inputs and calibration approaches and performance of the current framework. This report also documents
the progression of the application of the NBSA RI model from the end of the calibration in September 2013 through September 2019, and
development of FS model inputs and simulation of future remedial alternatives. Please click
here to
download the model documentation and
Newark Bay Study Area Bioaccumulation Model Calibration Report [February 2022]: This document presents the bioaccumulation model developed
for the Newark Bay Study Area. The model is an extension of the bioaccumulation model developed by Arnot and Gobas (2004). Differences
from that model include use of an alternative bioenergetics model and implementation of an explicit migration routine to account for
species that are on site (in the Newark Bay Study Area) for only a portion of their life history. Please click
here to
download the bioaccumulation model documentation.